
Welcome to the reminder revolution - where routine meets rebellion.

Dive into a world where each alert isn't just a nudge, but a neural wake-up call.

In a world crammed with apps screaming for your attention and cluttering your digital life like a landfill of forgotten dreams, why add another voice to this cacophony? The answer is blunt and unapologetic: SENSORY GATING.

Sensory gating: a cerebral bouncer, filtering out the constant buzz of the mundane (from Wikipedia)

We tackled this beast with three vicious features:

  • 🤖 Aware Reminders: personalized psychological nudges made possible by AI.

  • 🏙️ Auto Icons: icons generated automatically on-the-fly by AI.

  • 🔈 Progressive Sounds: notification sounds that evolve when ignored, eventually reaching a crescendo.

This is personal.

Aware Reminders

Responsibility isn't just a checklist; it's a psychological wrestling match. The crux? It's not just about being reminded of what you've got to do, it's about who's twisting your arm to do it. If it's a real, breathing human who knows the stakes, you're more likely to jump to action. They're not just nagging; they're in the trenches with you, appealing to your conscience, shoving the consequences in your face if you bail.But apps? They don't plead, they don't argue, they don't give a damn. They're just cold, emotionless prompts in the void. Or at least, that was the case.Enter the age of Aware Reminders. This isn't your garden-variety notification. This is personal. The reminders adapt, evolve. It's the same reminder, but each time, it hits you differently, unpredictably. It's not just poking at your Sensory Gating; it's a full-scale assault. An algorithmic conscience tailored to jab you right where it hurts. Making you not just see your tasks but feel them. It's the difference between a robotic beep and a whispered secret from a confidant. This app doesn't just remind you; it knows you.

Designed to jolt your senses.

Auto Icons

In this overstimulated world, where every task is a blur in your peripheral vision, there's a need for something to smack you in the face, visually. That's where Auto Icons come into play. It's not just about listing your tasks; it's about branding them into your brain with imagery.These aren't random three smileys. These are calculated, context-sensitive icons, each a visual punch designed to jolt your senses. They're a visual shorthand, a snapshot of what you’ve got to do. You glance, and it's there – the essence of your task, translated into a language that your overworked brain can process in a blink.This is about saving time, sure. But it's more than that. It's about cutting through the fog, about giving your tasks a face, an identity. So, when you're scrolling through your to-do list, it's not just a parade of text. It's a gallery of purpose, a collection of urgent, personalized missions screaming at you from your screen. Auto Icons don't just remind you; they dare you to act.

Relentless, evolving beast.

Progressive Sounds

You know the drill. New app, new promises, new 'dings' to slice through your day. In the beginning, every chime's a revelation, a siren call to action. Fast forward three months, and what happens? That 'ding' fades into the backdrop of your life, just another piece of auditory wallpaper. Sensory Gating is always on. Your brain's too smart for its own good, slotting that sound next to the humdrum meows and engine roars of the world. It's like your mind's own VIP list, and that 'ding' ain't on it anymore.But here's where we flip the script. Ignore our reminder? Fine. The next time it won't be a 'ding.' It's a 'ding-dong.' Brush that off? Brace yourself for a 'dingy-dang-dong.' See, we've rigged the game. Every ignored alert escalates, morphs into something more jarring, more insistent. It's a symphony of urgency: your brain can't tune this out because the tune keeps changing. It's not just a notification anymore; it's a relentless, evolving beast, always one step ahead of your mind's lazy bouncer. We're not just nudging your Sensory Gating; we're kicking the damn door down.

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📃Privacy Policy for Todof

Welcome to Todof, a reminder app with advanced AI capabilities designed to make your life easier and more organized. This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle your data and protect your privacy.1. Data Processing and StorageLocal Processing: Todof processes all reminder data locally on your device. This means the information you enter into the app is not transmitted or stored on any external server.No Server Storage: Our servers do not store your reminder data. All information remains exclusively on your device unless you choose to share it through other means.2. AI Capabilities and Server ConnectivityLimited Server Connectivity: For AI capabilities, Todof connects to external servers. These connections are solely for processing requests through a Large Language Model (LLM).Data Privacy with LLM Requests: While we utilize server-based LLMs for advanced functionalities, we do not store, log, or retain any data from these interactions. Each request is processed in real-time and not saved on our servers or any third-party servers.3. Data CollectionNo Personal Data Collection: Todof does not collect any personal data. The app functions without requiring personal information such as name, email address, or location.Anonymous Usage Metrics: We may collect anonymous usage metrics to improve app functionality. This data is strictly non-personal and is used for analytical purposes only.4. Data Sharing and DisclosureNo Sharing: We do not share any data with third parties. Since we do not collect or store personal data, there is nothing to share.5. Security MeasuresData Security: We prioritize your data's security. While most of your data is stored locally on your device, any interaction with servers for AI processing is secured and encrypted.Limitation of LiabilityReliability of Reminders: While Todof strives to provide accurate and timely reminders, users should acknowledge that the app's functionality might be subject to limitations, technical issues, or other factors that could lead to the failure of a reminder.No Guarantee for Critical Reminders: Users are advised that for critically important reminders, such as those related to business meetings, medication, or other significant events, Todof should not be the sole reminder method. We recommend using multiple reminder systems to ensure reliability.Non-Responsibility for Losses: Todof, its developers, or any affiliated parties shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from the use of the app, including but not limited to missed appointments, financial loss, or other related consequences.Use at Own Risk: The app is provided "as is" and "as available" without any warranty. Use of the app is solely at the user's own risk.Changes and Acknowledgement: This limitation of liability is subject to change, and users are encouraged to review it periodically. Continued app use after any changes indicates acceptance of the new terms.6. Changes to This PolicyWe may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes.7. Contact UsIf you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, don't hesitate to contact us.